Impact – Improved Outcomes
We are all about making an impact and changing lives. Increased engagement and other key learning metrics provide the foundation for measuring and improving outcomes. R1’s learning system and standardized approach provides the structure and tools to improve outcomes, reduce cost, increase the skill and effectiveness of your workforce, differentiate your programs, and better support the communities, stakeholders, and individuals you serve.
R1 Learning System
TRAINING: Instructor-led on-site and virtual seminars that increase practitioner’s knowledge, skills, and effectiveness.
TOOLS: Evidence-based and best practice tools that engage, educate, and empower practitioners and clients. The Discovery Cards, Practitioner Kits, and Group Kits are available in a variety of topics.
TECHNOLOGY: E-learning and videos to support the R1 tools. Apps, assessments, and online resources are on product roadmap.
RESOURCES: Enterprise licenses for facilitator guides, slide decks, activity worksheets, LMS content and more for each topic.
CERTIFICATION: R1 Certification and Continuing Education (CE) credits for fundamental evidence-based and best practice topics.
The 4 E’s – Our formula for implementing evidence-based and best practice resources in emerging standards of care
We are all about engagement. Learning through self-discovery, creating an emotional connection and commitment to oneself and others, making choices, and taking action toward meaningful change. Tools are critical for engagement and putting learning into practice. Individuals learn best when they are engaged, the topic at hand is relevant and timely, and they understand how it can benefit them and others.
We are all about learning. Creating engaging learning experiences, building vocabulary, reaching different learning styles, and providing training, Learning Labs, certification, and tools that allow individuals to absorb, process, comprehend, and retain information at an accelerated rate. Grounded in evidence-based and best practice theories, our standardized, modular curriculum is easily deployed to numerous stakeholders across multiple locations through a variety of delivery modalities.
We are all about tools. Creating hands-on, technology-driven, multi-language engagement tools that empower professionals and individuals to discover what is most important for them.Tools enable individuals to learn, practice, and apply new knowledge and skills immediately and effectively. Tools allow the R1 learning system to be easily learned, used, mastered, and shared with others for maximum impact.
We are all about measuring and improving outcomes. Metrics matter. We support programs in building structured curriculum maps, clear learning objectives, and modular tools that provide a standardized approach for measuring engagement, learning comprehension, and learning retention. Let us help you assess and build a road map for learning that becomes a cornerstone of your foundation for improving outcomes.
What We Are Building – Evidence-Based, Standardized, Modular Curriculum
Curriculum – Implementation Tools
Virtual 60-90 minutes – Instructor-led
On-site/ Half & Full day – Instructor-led
Enterprise license – access to topic Facilitator Guides,
PPT slides, Activity Worksheets (branding options available)
On Product Roadmap:
On-line learning
Video library
Apps – for learning and outcomes measurement
Assessments, tests, and quizzes
Multi languages
Other content formats (learning wheels, info-graphics, etc. )
Structured Content and Design Elements
Evidence-based and best practice theories
Theory backgrounds
Model overviews
Expert overviews
Visual models and graphic organizers – standard design (colors, fonts, look & feel)
Contextual models
Process models
Taxonomies – topic focused vocabulary
Model definitions
Vocabularies – contextual lists and definitions
Behavior statements
Activities – for individual and group settings
Activity instructions
Activity worksheets
Questions to Explore
Content Roadmap

R1 Topics:
Cultural Competence
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
Grief & Loss
Stress Management
Risk & Protective Factors
Suicide Prevention
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Recovery Treatment Options
Risk & Protective Factors
Recovery Team
Career / Work Basics
Social Relationships / Connection
Family Foundations
Home Management
Leisure/ Fun
Why We Are Building It – Benefits to Stakeholders
Increased engagement / engaged learning
Accelerated change through accelerated vocabulary building
Increased communication / expression – through a shared vocabulary
Increased individualized learning
Increased self-discovery
Increased self-efficacy
Increased knowledge, skills, and effectiveness
Increased learning comprehension and retention
Increased interaction and connection
Increased satisfaction
Improved outcomes
Increased client, counselor, and coach engagement
Enhanced relationship or therapeutic bond through a shared vocabulary
Increased knowledge, skills, and effectiveness
Improved treatment plans (in less time)
Expanded set of educational tools for teaching, learning, and practicing core curriculum topics
Decreased prep time with out-of-the-box structured activities
Increased consistency of program delivery via a structured format
Improved outcomes
Increased client, counselor, and coach engagement
Increased client retention
Increased communication – through a shared vocabulary
Increased knowledge, skill, and effectiveness of workforce
Increased standardization of curriculum - a platform for measuring outcomes
Decreased training time/ learning curve for new employees
Increased competitive advantage and brand awareness
Increased employee engagement and retention
Improved outcomes